I’m a hopeless romantic. So this website is about love — love for one’s spouse and children and love for one’s home country and home language, and how these loves intersect. I’m from Colombia and I’ve lived in the USA since 1996. I have a totally beautiful wife, and two remarkable and beautiful sons (Gabriel, age 4, and Samuel, age 2).
Being a parent is hard enough, let alone trying to raise a child in a language different from the official language of where you live. It takes stubbornness, self-centeredness, and of course, love, and patience. But the payoff seems too great not to try it.
I created this site to share my own experiences with others in the same situation, share my failures and my successes, cry for help every once in a while, and learn from the experiences of others. Don’t expect me to be particularly insightful or educational because, after all, I’m more handsome than I am smart, and the main reason I started this website was for people to provide me with validation and tell me that I’m not screwing up or guide me when I’m at a loss. Mostly, I want to learn how people share their love, translated.
— Rubén